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Shades of Being - (String Quartet)

Duration: 8'

©2022 St. Romanos Press

Program Notes:

Shades of Being is written in three movements. Throughout those movements’ different themes, ideas and feelings are expressed. The first movement begins with a less structured section with entrances jumping between instruments. During this, a theme is introduced in the second violin part. The second movement is slower, and focuses on the harmonic movements, especially between the viola and cello. The third movement introduces a new theme, that slightly reflects the one in the first movement, though in a very different setting. Near the end of this piece, you can hear all three of these themes going on at the same time.

The title of this piece has to do with the way that there are many different times in our life. The feeling that shifts throughout this piece is meant to portray the way in which times, emotions and feelings change. The bringing together of the themes shows the way in which all these times end up affecting us in the end, and everything we have experienced shapes who we are.

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